We had been planning on celebrating Baby's 5th birthday basically since she turned 4. It was another one of those moments where I looked around our 2-bedroom apartment and thought wistfully of a day in the future when life would return to normal. I think we were in our new house in Northville all of two days when I started to make plans ;-) We titled the event "Baby's Birthday Bash" and called it BBB for short. Glo jumped right in, offering to make the invitations (both on the computer and by hand), and when she had those done by the beginning of September, she took on the planning and scheduling of it all as well. In fact, I contemplated ordering lanyards that could hold our daily schedules (I usually print up a schedule of events, but those aren't always carried around by the family which leads to the inevitable question "what are we doing next?"), and Glo printed up fun daily schedules along with chore assignments. The family kept thanking me for...
A blog chronicling the adventures of the Kennedy Family