This weekend, we drove to Maryland to see Baby in her first Primary program. I mean, how could we resist being her GRANDPARENTS, and all? (yes, I'm pointing some very long fingers at some very absent grandparents...)
Baby has been memorizing scriptures for a year now--the best one I can remember is the Christmas one she memorized last year--so it was only natural to have her say one for the Primary program. Of course, her amazingness is hard to miss when other Sunbeams are being prompted to say one or two words, and she has all of John 3:16 memorized.
And in a HUGE shoutout to Ethan and Rebecca, they practiced with her and the microphone at home. We don't mash our mouth into it, we don't grab it, and we speak clearly into it. I mean, c'mon--Kennedy performance genes at their BEST! She also knew the words to all of the songs, although not keeping in line with the previous generation of Kennedys, she didn't overpower everyone else up there on stage ;-)
We also celebrated Rebecca's birthday a few days early with Olive Garden To-Go and a pizco okie.

And John got something Rebecca had requested on her birthday gift list: Just Dance! So there was lots of dancing happening over the 24 hours we were there :-)
And Poppie brushed Brother's teeth for the first time. Like, it was the FIRST TIME Brother had had his teeth brushed, so why not leave it to Poppie, the Pro?
I was miserably sick, so I wasn't everything I wish I could have been, but give me a night of playing Spades (and winning all three sets), and I'm a happy camper ;-)
Baby has been memorizing scriptures for a year now--the best one I can remember is the Christmas one she memorized last year--so it was only natural to have her say one for the Primary program. Of course, her amazingness is hard to miss when other Sunbeams are being prompted to say one or two words, and she has all of John 3:16 memorized.
And John got something Rebecca had requested on her birthday gift list: Just Dance! So there was lots of dancing happening over the 24 hours we were there :-)
And Poppie brushed Brother's teeth for the first time. Like, it was the FIRST TIME Brother had had his teeth brushed, so why not leave it to Poppie, the Pro?
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