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when one window closes with the Lord, two windows open because he is merciful

Dearest Missionary Glo,

I wanted to tell you about some blessings that happened this week.  I am sorry I am not a good writer.  I feel so often like I don't have a lot of good stuff to say and so I feel like I am just saying and asking the same things over and over, but I cannot deny the blessings we received this week and I really do want to give glory to God for all his blessings. 

So, anyway, this week on Wednesday I got a call from my boss at IHA, my employer that they had been notified of my negative result from my appeal and as of Tuesday last week I was terminated.  They called to tell me and then they were sending me a letter by email and by mail.  So, that was pretty sad and stressful news.  I was kind of hoping I could delay it till I got an official letter from the hospital but with emails they can get rid of me faster, which they did.  I am grateful for 10 months of pay and another month of insurance coverage though, so I cannot complain.  But it was hard news.

Anyway, we soldiered on and made the best of it that day.  We agreed that it was what we expected, but it was still hard.  The next day, Thursday we had a pretty good day, not perfect and then I left for the temple at 4 pm and Mommy left for Utah.  She will assuredly tell you about her adventures there, but I want to tell you about what has happened since then.  I went to the temple Thursday night and I always feel so much better in the temple.  Then I got out and just worried the whole way home.  I prayed to the Lord about how so much has gone against me and us and I am so tired.  I did not feel anything great, but I poured out my soul to Heavenly Father.  I got home and took the dogs out, and then I looked at my phone because I had left it at home.  

I had received two phone calls from my recruiter.  I called him back and he said the Air Force surgeon general had approved my credentialing package which has been my biggest worry about my application to the Air Force.  I was so happy.  I had my physical on Friday morning and I had an MRI of my knee required by the Air Force on Saturday after my temple shift and now all but a few things are done and my credentialing package is ok per the recruiter.  I felt so glad.

Anyway, after I talked to the recruiter I looked at my email on Thursday night and there was an email from the woman at Geisinger who is the department chairman.  She asked me to call her about an "offer" on Friday morning.  So, while I was driving to the physical exam for the Air Force on Friday morning I called Dr. Culbertson and she said, even with what I am going through and after discussing my situation with the Credentialing Chief for the whole health system, they think they can work with me and she offered me a job with the best pay I have been offered by anyone since I have been interviewing, with a great signing bonus and benefits that are excellent.  The job is in Lewistown near state college but it would  be a great job and great pay and I am so thankful that I cannot say enough how grateful I am to Heavenly Father.  I still have to go through the credentialing process but they say they can work through this or they will try, and I also have the Air Force as an option so that is great too.

I just wanted to tell you about this, because I have had so much despair for so long and it was a real blessing to have two job offers/possibilities come in the day after I lost my current job. I think it was a blessing from Heavenly Father.  

Since then, I did my physical on Friday at the military processing station.  Its where you get a full physical and hearing and vision test.  I also thought I would have to do the duck walk, standing up from a kneeling position which I did not think I could do but I did not, so that was great.  I had a good day on Saturday at the temple and then watched some of the show called "The Boys".  It is about a world with superheroes who are all pretty bad.  They kill people, leave people to die and are very selfish and egotistical so these guys are out to kill them.  The problem it is "mature" so I am watching it on vid angel, but it is still pretty yucky, but the story is good.  I am just tired of not having anything good to watch because of all the bad stuff.  Anyway, I don't think I will watch it anymore.  

Today, I went to church and it was pretty good.  Then, I had lunch with Ed Hall and we had a nice lunch with him and his wife.  He is the guy I know from when I was a kid who took us fishing.  His wife has Alzheimer's and so it is pretty rough for him, but he has been super good to me.  He helped us move, he bought my tractor and he has been a real friend.  

Then, for dinner I went to Beth's house and we had rice and chicken teriyaki and I saw Maizie.  She loves it there and they love her.  She is so happy.  Logi and Maggie are always petting her and showing her love.  It is so cute how much they love her.  Then, we had stake priesthood meeting and stake priesthood leadership meeting and it was good.  President Olsen sang "O that I were and angel" which was beautiful and the talks were good and the spirit was there.  

I am so thankful for the gospel.  It really is such a blessing and comfort.  I am so thankful for Jesus.  I am thankful for all he has done for me all my life.  I know that he lives.

I hope you are doing well Glo. I hope the companionship situation is better.  

Call me tomorrow when you can. I am driving to Mark's house in the morning so I can help him fix his car.  It still needs some work.

I love you Glo!

con amor,



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