Just sayin people, but sometimes little hobbies or things you do just for fun with your family can actually get you a job(: About a week and a half ago, I interviewed at, of all places, John Deere at the University of Illinois Research Park for a part-time position as a Business and Technology Researcher. I know: who knew that the boy who grew up in Central Pennsylvania would eventually interview for a job with one of the top three visible brands in Pennsylvania(: (The irony is thick) When I first came to my MBA program, I told myself I would JUST focus on my MBA work, cause I figured it would be too much to handle anyways (as everybody told me it would) and I would be busy all the time. Which is true. If you've talked to me you know that I talk about how I'm always kind of behind on things and kind of in a state of constant rush. But, as I soon discovered when I moved here, starting my MBA program is ironically the first time in about 4 years that I haven't had a job...
A blog chronicling the adventures of the Kennedy Family