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Preparing for Thanksgiving

I love seeing our family grow.  Or maybe I should say that I love seeing our family grow UP.  As we progress through life, we create new traditions and memories with all of the crazy things we do.  It's gotten to the point now that when we get together, we don't want to waste a single minute.  We don't isolate ourselves anywhere in the house over the reunion, and in fact, we pack every minute full of fun and new memories.

I know, I know.  Some people would say that we are doing things all wrong.  That when we get together, it should be an organic experience, and it should be a time of relaxing.  But we don't really enjoy that way of being.  We travel as a pack for the few short days, and we literally make the most of every minute, so much so that when our time together is over, we are EXHAUSTED, but in the very best of ways.  We think about all of the things we did, and we laugh, and we text each other, wishing that we were still together.  I seriously love it.

So, now that we are growing in numbers, and seeing as we have so many things we want to do together (and we don't want to forget what they are), we have begun creating actual schedules for the week.  It helps us all be ready on time for whatever adventure is scheduled for the day, and everyone gives input as to what they want to do.  No one feels left out, and we avoid the feeling of "herding cats".  I'm really so thankful that the family has embraced having a typed up plan for the days, and we follow it to the "T".  If we want to change something, or if we're just too tired at the end of the day to do something planned, we discuss it and make sure everyone is okay with the change.  Yes, it's democracy at its finest.

I don't know how long this tradition will last, nor how long Ethan and Rebecca will continue to field all requests from family members and produce a coherent and effective schedule, so I want to record it now.

We're all getting together this week for Thanksgiving.  It's the first time in several months where
we've been together, and since we won't be together at Christmas, we really do feel the desperation of making the most of every minute:

Kennedy Thanksgiving Extravaganza Schedule

Tuesday, November 21
1:00 p.m.--Glo arrives in Detroit
10:45 p.m.--Annie, Rebecca and Ethan all arrive in Detroit, split with Baby and Glo while Mark, Mama, Papa, Ethan and Rebecca go to...
11:00 p.m.--Secret Eatery in Detroit

Wednesday, November 22
9:00 a.m.--Christmas Tree Shopping--Westman's Tree Farm (8000 Chamberlin Rd., Dexter)
10:30 a.m.--family pictures
noon--Christmas Tree Decorating
5:30 p.m.--Aubrey's with Kennedy family
7:00 p.m.--Justice League--Emagine Saline
9:30 p.m.--Decode Detroit

Thursday, November 23 (Thanksgiving)
8:00 a.m.--Turkey Trot! (in anticipation of the turkey we will eat shortly...)
9:30 a.m.--everyone chips in to cook Thanksgiving, showering in intervals
10:00 a.m.--Pumpking carving with Poppie
noon--Thanksgiving dinner
4:00 p.m.--Papa leaves for Altoona :-(
4:15 p.m.--pre-Black Friday shopping
7:00 p.m.--Panic Room viewing

Friday, November 24
10:00 a.m.--Tuxedo shopping
noon--travel to Detroit Pop-Up market
3:00 p.m.--Nate and Lindsay's family arrive?
3:40 p.m.--Murder on the Orient Express-Emagine Saline
7:00 p.m.--Rebecca and Ethan make dinner
8:00 p..--Decode Detroit Puzzle Hunt

Saturday, November 25
noon--The Game (GO BLUE!)
1:00 p.m.--Baptism
6:00 p.m.--Smokehouse 52

Sunday, November 26
9:30 a.m.--church
4:00 p.m.--Glo, Rebecca, Annie, and Ethan all leave :-(

As I type this post, Mark and Glo are sitting on the floor of the family room, finishing up Lego projects and watching stupid videos.  In the words of Rebecca and Baby, "Ready?  Set?  GO!!!"


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