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Utah from the Non-Utah, Baby Mormon

Helllooo bloggy world!

If I haven't formally met you, I'm Allison Boss. I'm the girl that makes an appearance every once in a while in a blog post or photo, but as I'm going to be an in-law (or outlaw, whichever term floats your boat. I personally like outlaw because it seems more fun, wild and silly at the same time, but that's just me) somewhat soonish. I recently (aka last November) was baptized so I consider myself a baby LDS church-member (in fact I'm sure most 6 year olds in the church remember more scriptures and hymns than I do). But one thing that I've always heard about is how the Mormon population is absolutely astounding in Utah and you can see that influence in everything, even the street names. I was told that one has to make a trip out there for Temple Square, the mountains, friendly people (and Chick-Fil-a what what). So with a temple wedding coming ever closer and very few modest dresses in Michigan, I decided to make the trek out to the famous state. 

My first impression of Utah was in the plane when I saw those mountains which were indeed, quite spectacular #billygoatlife. My second impression was "wow there is no water or trees here". Okay yes there is scrub and an occasional bush but for a girl who spent most of her childhood surrounded by either the ocean or lakes and trees this was a total throw off for me. The other impression I had was "wow it's hot but I can actually breathe". For those of you who aren't aware, Michigan has this big flaw called "humidity" during the summer which can most accurately be described as "being wrapped in a soaking wet 100C blanket" and it's absolutely miserable. Literally the worst part of the state, so I was happy to find Utah was hot but totally bearable. 

Rebecca, my fellow outlaw in crime with a talent for planning spectacularly, arranged for 3 dress appointments on Friday. After finding so little in temple dresses in Michigan, I was skeptical that Utah would have anything I hadn't seen before, boy was I wrong. At the first store, Avenia Bridal, they had the style I was looking for and all the bells and whistles a girl could want. We left them calling up a local designer to see if they could piece two dresses together to make a "dream dress"(**spoilers** it was unfortunately impossible but not for lack of trying). We met up with Ethan for lunch in SLC (Salt Lake City, using acronyms like a native #win) and went to this delicious make your own pizza place called Pizza Studio. This place was totally up to snuff with Blaze Pizza for those of you from the midwest or those who have experienced the beauty of Blaze. 

Behind the scenes of dress shopping
Afterwards we went to Gateway Bridal, which had a ton of dresses and one dazzler that I never expected to like, but with pockets and a look like the immortally chic Grace Kelly, how could I not love it? I said goodbye to Grace and headed to the last bridal store. On our way we stopped at this music store, Day Murray Music, for viola music for Hannah (Larisa the music wizard used to get music shipped from there back in her German days). Literally this store was bursting with any sort of sheet music a person could want for every instrument possible, it was musical chaos in the best way. Not only did Hannah find tons of viola solos and piano duets for hymns and christmas music, but she also found a book of songs from La La Land (gorgeous music, beautiful sets, and a great script/cast for those who haven't heard of it). We finally made it to the last salon and I tried on a dozen more dresses and found a beautiful gown I called the "Forest Nymph", but my own  mother called "Snow White".(We had been sending her with pictures of dresses, FaceTiming her when we could, and sending videos/pictures of Baby being adorable). Seriously if you go dress shopping you should bring Baby Annie with you. She dances on the platforms while the person is changing and gives the best reactions to dresses.
Werk it baby!

I was exhausted, I was hungry, and most of all I was confused as heck. I have no idea how many dresses I tried on that day, but I was too out of it to make any real decisions. So I called my mom and begged for her advice and then we went along to Olive Garden followed by a trip to Cheesecake factory where I decided that I deserved to buy myself 2 cheesecake slices for all my dress adventures. We decided I tried on enough dresses and that it was time to make a decision, so we cancelled all the appointments on Saturday morning and instead decided to go back to Gateway bridal to try on Grace again

Eventually we made it back to the hotel and played some board games before turning in. Dresses filled my brain like visions of sugar plums do for kids on Christmas (but not really I was way too tired). The next morning, Hannah went out to get her hair cut and Larisa, Rebecca and I went back to Gateway. Thankfully the amazing girl who helped me the day before, Bryn, was there and grabbed Grace and brought her in. I put it back on, put my hands in those pockets and was like "Yep, that's it". What sealed the deal was when I had a veil put on and Larisa and Rebecca got close to tears. With the approval from Larisa and the acknowledgement that Mark would be absolutely stunned by me (like in the good way... I think....) we signed the forms and got word that Gracie would be sent out to Michigan by late December (although if you're a seamstress with some mad skillz I could definitely use your advice... and maybe your hands).

We were leaving and we got the call from Hannah that she had a surprise for us. The surprise turned out to be a super cute, bouncy, new haircut that made her look fantastic! And helped her get ready for the humidity and fend off those nasty bugs down in Ecuador.....

We proceeded to watch the Michigan vs. Florida football game with all the best game day foods, Buffalo Wild Wings, pizza, cheesecake, chips, and fruit. Michigan dominated Florida and crushed their 27 year opening game winning streak. But it wouldn't be Michigan football without some heart-crunching mistakes and moments of sheer panic at the score.

Hannah finally visits 221B Baker Street!
After this we did a very Kennedy/European fun thing, an escape room. This particular one was Sherlock Holmes themed and included a trick wall and some complicated clues. I am proud to say I actually contributed and that Hannah and I managed to get most of the clues from the second room figured out #girlpowerwithHannah. We made it out with over 16 minutes to spare #getatus. We went back to the pool and went swimming, where fun was had by all until Rebecca kicked Ethan in the eye while we were playing Blindman's Bluff. In her defense Ethan was grabbing her underwater and she asked for permission to kick him, which he agreed to, before it happened. Long story short, don't mess with Rebecca, she may be tiny but she will kick your contact out when she's threatened.
Hail to the Victors Valiant!

The next morning Larisa, Glo, Hannah, and I went to Music and The Spoken Word which is a concert/talk that is broadcasted every Sunday and features the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra, an insanely talented organist, and this speaker named Lloyd D. Newell. It was held in the Conference Center, which was cool since I had only ever seen it on screens during General Conference. It's definitely much more intense in person. It was also pretty stellar to hear such talented musicians performing in such a beautiful place and to hear Lloyd give a brief talk about the importance of work in our faith. Too soon it was over, but since we had a bit of time before we needed to head out to our Sacrament meeting we decided to tour Temple Square.
Larisa always takes the most epic photos #mormontabernaclechoirwhatwhat

Now here's my side-tangent. I noticed this earlier, but I cannot understand why Utah has so many decorative water fountains everywhere. Like you don't have access to water easily but you're making this huge water display? Are you trying to achieve "oasis vibes" or something? Y'all need to come out to Michigan and see some real water. We've got more than 10,000 lakes (suck on that Minnesota) and we've got all the Great ones (except Erie and it's not that great anyway). So upon wandering through Temple Square and seeing even more fountains I was immediately caught with the need to temporarily document them through Snapchat. Unfortunately I do not have any of them anymore (such is the nature of snapchat) but I got up to like 6 fountains in a couple hours so it was pretty crazy. The coolest fountain was definitely the one that cascades off the top of the conference center which we got to go up and see. The views of Temple Square from the top was picture worthy so obviously we took a couple, and it was so cool to hear how Gordon B Hinckley added this bit of natural paradise back to the city by adding this rooftop garden. Also the Salt Lake City Temple in temple square is seriously gorgeous talk about #templevibes, I could almost understand why so many people got married there just by staring up at its immaculate, overpowering beauty.

One of my favorite pictures from the visitors center

We went to sacrament at Ethan and Rebecca's ward. It's always interesting to see and experience a different ward. These people were so kind and friendly that it was kind of surprising to me, but a welcome one. It's true what they say, Utahians are some of the friendliest people. After a quick nap we headed to BYU to help Glo prepare for her classes on Tuesday. Seriously BYU was pretty cool, lots of cool art buildings and the mountains lining the side of it, it was something to see. I'm confident Glo is going to totally own that campus because she's super independent, strong, confident and armed with excellent restaurant choices and a mental map from Hannah.

Finally we went to dinner at the Mecham's. I had met Mr and Mrs. Mecham when they came to Hannah's send off, but this time I got to meet the rest of the Mecham Clan: Bailey, Cole, and McKay (sorry if I spelled your names wrong!). They were such fantastic hosts with plenty of wild stories, rambunctious laughs, and delicious food (seriously the lasagna was amazing like fancy restaurant worthy). Then we broke out some Code Names. Things got wild, which is unsurprising considering you're gathering a bunch of competitive people together and having them play a hint giving game against one another. Taunting was done, half-hearted threats given, chicken noises were made, but no one was physically hurt so overall it was a successful Mecham-Kennedy+1 event.

The next day us Michiganders returned home. I was so appreciative to have my green grass and tree-lined drives back. When I finally made it back to the lake I knew I was home. Utah you and your mountains were grand but your fountains can't compete with these views.

Lake Sherwood living #mittenlove


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