I'm so thankful for callings in the church. I have had a lot of different ones over the years of being an adult, and each one comes with its own set of challenges and joys. For the record, Primary Singing Time Leader, and Seminary teacher go down as my favorites, and seeing as I don't touch a piano any other time of the week, I'm always thankful to be an organist or pianist. At the moment, my "learning opportunity" is Gospel Doctrine teacher. Supposedly, I shouldn't have this calling, seeing as seminary teachers aren't supposed to hold any other callings due to the intense nature of seminary, but the bishopric took pity on me. I was feeling rather an oddball, not having much to do on Sunday, and so they let me do this. It is undoubtedly one of the hardest callings I've ever held. This sounds crazy to me, especially thinking that I've served as both a Primary president (4 years) and a Young Women's president (one year). However, it req...
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