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The Atonement

This year in seminary, we are studying The New Testament.  I have said it before, and I'll say it again:  teaching seminary is such a blessing in my life, and in the life of my family.  I wish that we had been studying the scriptures together as a family when my kiddos were young like we are now, because it has brought us all closer.  There's nothing like discussing some gospel principle each day together.  Teaching Gospel Doctrine each week doesn't hurt either...

It's been so interesting, reading the events leading up to the Atonement and the Crucifixion in Jesus' life during Christmastime.  Everything around the world is focused on his birth, but studying his death during this time has been very touching.  It's been a reminder to me of the purpose of his birth.

The Agony in the Garden
by Franz Schwartz
Today, while stuck at home with the stomach flu (and unable to go to church), the girls and I read from Matthew 26, Mark 14, and Luke 22.  These cover the day of the Passover when Jesus gave the sacrament to his apostles, and when he suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane, and was put on trial.  It's sad for me to see that only a few verses in the Bible cover what was the fundamental act of all creation.  We get an idea of what it was like for Christ to suffer in the Garden--sweat like drops of blood, an angel coming to support him, him asking Peter, James and John to suffer with him--but in the end, none of us will ever fully comprehend what he went through, and yet we all are invited to be partakers of his selfless act.

The Savior Suffers in Gethsemane

A thing I do know though is how thankful I am for what Christ did for me.  There have been too many times to count in my life when I have needed the power of the Atonement.  While most people use that power in reference to repentance, I have needed it to help bear burdens and sadnesses that I am unable to bear or handle.  There are times when I can't let go of something that is destroying me (usually an offense from someone else).  I want it to be gone, and I don't want to think about it anymore, but I am unable to rid myself of it.  The only answer is the Atonement.  Christ has felt everything I feel, he has suffered like I have.  He knows what it is to feel what I do, and he has suffered so that I don't need to feel it anymore.  I cry so many tears during those times when I ask him to take my suffering from me.  I feel so bad asking him to do more for me, and yet, I know that he did it all for me, and the power of the Atonement is sitting there, waiting for me to use it.  I think of it like Tylenol.  Tylenol has been created to take away headaches.  If I have a headache, why do I procrastinate using it?  It will help me feel better.  I know this is a simplified version of it all, but I don't think the Atonement needs to be complicated.  When we approach the Lord with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, he will help us through our trials and he will make our weaknesses become strengths.

And as Johannah commented in our lesson today, Jesus did it all because He loves us.  He knew what would happen when he presented the plan.  He knew that he would be the sacrifice to save all of us.  And yet he did it because he loves us.

When we talk of charity being the pure love of Christ, charity is the Atonement.  It's being willing to lay down our lives for another.  There is no greater love than that.

We watched this beautiful video by Elder Holland that, of course, says everything I'm trying to say so much better:

Special Witness - Elder Holland

I testify also that Jesus is the Savior of the World.  I am thankful daily for what he did for me.


  1. Like you, I often use the Atonement when I need to let go. Let go of bad habits, bad feelings toward someone else, sadness, or worry. I know I wouldn't be able to make it through the trials of life without my loving Savior there to make my burdens light.


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