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Cavs-Pistons playoff game

Since 2013, the end of spring/beginning of summer has meant the NBA playoffs for Rebecca and me. Seriously, I remember being in the middle of a Knicks and...Pacers? game when Rebecca told me she was okay with us getting married. In 2014, the two of us would head over to the MPA lounge on BYU campus to watch the Thunder take on the Spurs, and last summer we watched the inevitable march of the Warriors through the toughest teams in the NBA. So this summer is not likely to be any different. Well, actually there is one big difference; we are close to a big city that actually has an NBA team in the playoffs! Detroit made it for the first time in seven years, which was going to be fun regardless of whether or not they did anything.

This picture was all Rebecca,
just wanting to make sure she
had proof that she saw her man!
Now, something else you have to understand about us watching the NBA playoffs; I watch because I just like watching good basketball, but Rebecca watches because of LeBron. Yes, it is a well-known fact in our house that Rebecca has a celebrity crush on LeBron James. I don't know if it's the headband or the fact that he's 6' 9" and 250 pounds of muscle, but Rebecca thinks LeBron is very attractive. So, when we moved to Michigan we made it a goal to go watch the Cavs play the Pistons at some point. We didn't think about it until it was too late this season, but as luck would have it, the Cavs and Pistons played each other in the first round of the playoffs. When we realized that, we checked StubHub and quickly found some nosebleed seats to the first Detroit playoff game in seven years, featuring LeBron in the house! Best part? The NBA actually understands that babies do not in fact take up a seat (looking at you, University of Michigan) so Annie got in for free! 

Naturally you have to wear the right kind of gear to a playoff game, so we bought some T-shirts for the game. There was no question who Rebecca was supporting (not the Cavs, just LeBron), so I followed her lead and got a nice-looking Cavs shirt. I must admit, I was pretty conflicted walking into the arena being surrounded by Pistons fans. They loved their team and I felt a certain affinity for the Pistons given my love of Michigan. I felt very torn wanting to cheer for the Pistons, but recognizing that if I did that in Cavs shirt I would have the unique honor of getting dirty looks from both Pistons AND Cavs fans. I did my now patented silent fist pump when the Pistons scored while clapping for the Cavs.

It was a ton of fun! Both teams kept the game close, although Lebron, Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love were too much for Detroit, so they won 101-90. Mark and his girlfriend Allison came as well, dressed in Pistons gear, so we had a good time talking during the commercial breaks and commenting on how weird the dance team was, suspended from wires whilst bedecked in Glow-Sticks :-) Thanks to some fancy driving on my part Rebecca and I were in and out of the parking lot fast and we all headed to Baskin Robbins afterwards. We definitely enjoyed the night and we're glad we're taking advantage of everything Detroit has to offer!


  1. I love this post, especially the funny side comments. And yes, I'm green with envy that you are enjoying the Michigan high life!

  2. It was so much fun! I felt like we were checking boxes off my bucket list! And trust me, it's not Lebron's headband that I like 😜


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