And the 2016 presidential race has begun, as has the mudslinging. Heaven help us all for the next year and a half.
I believe one of the first candidates to throw their hat in the ring was Hillary Clinton. I must admire her courage for running again, showing that politicians are their own breed of people with skins thicker than elephants'. I'm sure that most of us would have spent a lifetime, licking our wounds after such a public loss. She certainly has more experience now, having served in the Senate and as Secretary of State, but winning the presidency is a completely different beast.
While I can't say for certain what the future holds, I'm thinking that I will stick to my past voting record and not vote for her again. However, I don't know that any other Democrat can beat her, so my back may be against the wall. I would truly like to vote for her solely because she is a woman. I have tried to show my girls that they can be and do anything that a man can do, and having a female President of the United States would be the ultimate manifestation of that thought. Too, because of the reasons stated above, I believe she is a great example of "getting back on the horse" after getting kicked off. Another great life lesson.
I can't vote for Hillary, however, because of her extremely liberal platform. John and I are already feeling the pinch of supporting the non-working, non-educated, lazy, majority population of the United States. John grits his teeth when he sees Medicaid patients and their unemployed male partners coming to appointments--John is basically paying for them to come see him--and using their iPhones to text while there. Meanwhile, we get no tax break for sending our kids to college so that they can become working, thriving members of society. It's bad enough with President Obama. Hillary would sink us.
However, I believe people should look at the candidate and their beliefs when making a decision for whom to vote. All the other nonsense should be forgotten. And forgiven.
Yesterday, Mrs. Clinton took a bus from New York to Iowa, an important state to win in the primaries. Along the way, she stopped at a Chipotle and ordered something (no doubt) delicious. This is how one of the very conservative websites reported the visit:
Want to know why I think this, nay, why I know this? Because she shows all signs of being a full-blown introvert, and she's no different from 33% of the world's population who are also introverts.
I believe one of the first candidates to throw their hat in the ring was Hillary Clinton. I must admire her courage for running again, showing that politicians are their own breed of people with skins thicker than elephants'. I'm sure that most of us would have spent a lifetime, licking our wounds after such a public loss. She certainly has more experience now, having served in the Senate and as Secretary of State, but winning the presidency is a completely different beast.
While I can't say for certain what the future holds, I'm thinking that I will stick to my past voting record and not vote for her again. However, I don't know that any other Democrat can beat her, so my back may be against the wall. I would truly like to vote for her solely because she is a woman. I have tried to show my girls that they can be and do anything that a man can do, and having a female President of the United States would be the ultimate manifestation of that thought. Too, because of the reasons stated above, I believe she is a great example of "getting back on the horse" after getting kicked off. Another great life lesson.
I can't vote for Hillary, however, because of her extremely liberal platform. John and I are already feeling the pinch of supporting the non-working, non-educated, lazy, majority population of the United States. John grits his teeth when he sees Medicaid patients and their unemployed male partners coming to appointments--John is basically paying for them to come see him--and using their iPhones to text while there. Meanwhile, we get no tax break for sending our kids to college so that they can become working, thriving members of society. It's bad enough with President Obama. Hillary would sink us.
However, I believe people should look at the candidate and their beliefs when making a decision for whom to vote. All the other nonsense should be forgotten. And forgiven.
Yesterday, Mrs. Clinton took a bus from New York to Iowa, an important state to win in the primaries. Along the way, she stopped at a Chipotle and ordered something (no doubt) delicious. This is how one of the very conservative websites reported the visit:
Chief national correspondent John King told Anderson Coooper last night on CNN that when Hillary Clinton arrived to a Chipotle in Ohio yesterday, ostensibly to reach out to regular "everyday Americans" - the very ones she wants to champion - she got lunch, and didn't talk to a single soul (except whoever took her order).
Apparently, the manager of the Chipotle had to review his security camera footage to verify that Hillary did, in fact, stop in his store.
Someone is going to need to explain to Hillary what visiting regular everyday establishments while on a campaign tour to champion regular everyday people is actually all about.
The CNN panel talking about this were joking around about how awesome Bill Clinton would have been on the Scooby van tour. Anderson Cooper joked that he'd be "serving food" at that Chipotle. John King said if Bill had been there, he'd STILL BE at that Chipotle, and would have probably already known a third of the people in there. And even Paul Begala chimed in to quip, "He (Bill Clinton) would be eating the burrito off the table next to him.”
It's hilarious to me that they're comparing her to him. And particularly because they're so wistful about him. They're all, "Oh, that crazy Bill" all nostalgic-like.
It's not news that Hillary Clinton is basically the social photo-negative of her husband. She doesn't do social. When she tries to do social, she cackles like the Wicked Witch of the West, and it's really awkward, and it just doesn't work.
Incidentally, a follower of ours on Twitter said last night that Hillary dresses just like Kim Jong-Un, which totally made us giggle, because it's true.
Anyway, if this is any indication of how Hillary's big Scooby tour is going to play out, we're in for some seriously mockworthy van stop stories.
Buckle in. 

While I can assure one and all that I have never been and never will be found reading any
conservative websites, I was horrified to read this on my Facebook newsfeed. My heart went out to Mrs. Clinton. I could tell from her actions, and the reactions of the various people, that she is not purposely ignoring people. She's not trying to ostracize or demean those around her. On the contrary, I suspect she's very loyal and caring to those who are close to her.
And the worst part about it all is that she is being compared (by a panel of liberal correspondents who should be her biggest supporters) to her very extroverted husband. It's obvious that she's trying to be seen as a social butterfly, but when it doesn't come naturally, people feel it, increasing the social insecurities all introverts feel.
Ouch. My heart aches for her. No doubt, that story could be written with my name being substituted for hers, and John's for President Clinton.
The judgements never stop for those of us who prefer not to socialize. Those of us who have anxiety in non-controlled situations. Gosh darn it, let her order her chicken burrito with a side of guac in peace. You know, she might actually have some emails to return from, oh say, the FREAKING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
If you aren't going to vote for her, do it because she doesn't represent your demographic, or your beliefs. Don't vote for someone else because Mrs. Clinton doesn't feel comfortable having a kum ba yah moment with the kitchen staff.
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