You know that girl Markie-Boy asked out when he visited Ethan and Rebecca in Utah? Well, it turns out that Niki is not just
any girl. She and Mark arranged for her to come and visit our family in Pennsylvania. And believe you me, she's just darling.
There was hardly any time to spend with her, because she flew into Detroit on Friday, and then she and Mark drove to PA, spent Saturday with us (and Sunday morning), and then he drove her back to Detroit and she flew home. However, it wouldn't be an official occasion at the Kennedys without pictures, right?
Here they are!
I can't remember why Mark was posing like this, but this is one of my favorites. |
Yep, they're super cute! And super mismatched. He's 6'5", and she's 5'3". Hmmmm.... |
You'll notice she's standing on her tiptoes....and still not at his shoulder?! |
We got her standing on the tractor to even things out. And Mark obviously doesn't mind :-) |
Yes, they ARE cute! |
I just love these pictures(: They make me smile every time(: