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Scholarship Audition

Back in February, I started to get things rolling for Mark to be reinstated as a student at the University of Michigan.  Before Mark left on his mission, his horn professor had told him that he didn't need to reaudition for his scholarship--his freshman recital was audition enough.  So when I called to get his scholarship reinstated, I assumed it would be easy.


Professor Unsworth didn't remember anything about saying that, and he decided to have Mark audition again.  Too, because he hadn't received any communication from Mark for the last year and a half, he questioned Mark's commitment to horn.

I can't begin to express the worry that our family experienced over the next six months.  There were phone calls and emails between us and Professor Unsworth, emails to President Clark begging him to let Mark practice a bit, emails from President Clark to Professor Unsworth, explaining a mission and why communication is limited.

Stress, and more stress.

Tears filled my eyes when I heard Mark practicing for the first time after he got home.  I couldn't believe his sound--it was almost identical to his sound when he left, despite having minimal time to practice.

We just prayed that all would be well, because in all honesty, if it didn't, Mark wouldn't be able to return to Michigan.

Mark and I drove over to Ann Arbor the night before, and got up bright and early the next day.  He felt completely calm and confident about it all (yet another sign that he's doing exactly what he should be doing).

He went in, played, and was told right there by Professor Unsworth that he could have his scholarship back.

Granted, in my mind, there should have been much more fanfare for this statement.  Like balloons should have come down out of the ceiling, and a marching band should have accompanied Mark out of the School of Music.  Nope.  It was a one-man-show of celebration :-)

We are still praying, expressing our gratitude that it all worked out.


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