“Our trip to Cozumel.” This had been a key phrase in our family for our while. Back in the spring, John and I had decided that we would host a family get-together in Cozumel. You might picture aunts, uncles, cousins, parents. Nope. Just John, Larisa and the kids (plus Rebecca). Afterall, it would be the first time in forever (for real) that all seven of us would be together, and we wanted it to be without any other distractions (the cell phone being the biggest one of all). My granddad’s wife, Vannette, gave us our Christmas gift early and arranged for us to stay in a condo in Cozumel. We bought the plane tickets, although it would prove to be a tricky thing, and John scheduled our dives with Sergio, the divemaster that John chewed out on our previous cruise :-) You can refresh your memories about that friendly visit by clicking here . Because of John’s work schedule, we could only take our vacation during the last week of Au...
A blog chronicling the adventures of the Kennedy Family