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Smiling at the Orthodontist

Lucky Glo and me.  Both in braces at the same time.  Ethan is also in braces, but he's done in a month, so he doesn't really count ;-)

The other day, Glo had an orthodontist appointment.  Some of her permanent teeth are finally coming in (after pulling five baby teeth and waiting a year....until she's 14 years old....), and she was scheduled to get brackets on those new teeth.

As it turned out, my fake tooth (which is painted into the plastic tray that is correcting my teeth) had become brittle and popped out the day before.  So, not only am I wearing braces, but I'm back to channeling my inner hillbilly.  Not cool.

So, I figured the office could paint a new one into my tray in just a matter of minutes.  Wrong-o.  I ended up hijacking most of Glo's lengthy appointment.  In fact, at some point in time, she was left like this for more than 15 minutes:

Glad Glo embraces the Kennedy texting-selfies spirit, never letting a "precious" moment go undocumented!

It took a good 20 minutes for them to paint a new tooth in my tray.  While I was waiting, Glo came around the corner.  I asked her if she had brushed her teeth since arriving at the orthodontist's office.  When she replied "no", we headed over to the sink.

You see, our orthodontist offers incentives for kids to earn points.  The more points you earn, the bigger gift card you can receive.  Glo has one of the highest point totals which shouldn't be surprising, seeing as she has a father with a poverty-stricken background, and a highly competitive mother.  An easy way to earn points at an appointment is to brush your teeth.  In fact, our orthodontist, Dr. Ray, is so posh, that she has a sink all set up for it, complete with disposable toothbrushes.  Glo and I headed over there together.

Pretty nice, eh?  You can just see the toothbrushes on the shelf to the left.  To the right of this picture is a shorter sink for those wee ones ;-)

While we were standing there brushing together, I noticed the picture in the corner.

Mark began a very stupid practice before he left on his mission.  When he would see goofy things like this, he would catch all of us off guard by saying, "Hey Mommy (or whoever)," wait for our rapt attention and then throw some stupid fact in our face.  A total waste of time that always caused rolling of the eyes from everyone involved.  Never losing a moment to continue Mark's tradition, I picked up the sign in order to show it to Glo.  I wanted to see if she could keep from launching toothpaste spit all over the window, as I grabbed the picture and shoved it in her face.

My plan backfired when the picture came up with my hand, but the stand on which it is mounted didn't.  In fact, it promptly fell directly into the hole in the countertop--the hole where everyone throws their toothbrushes, cups and other sorts of dental garbage.

I must have had a rather horrified expression, because Glo knew something was wrong (she had obviously missed the entire moment, concentrating on doing a good job brushing).  I spit out the toothpaste, and said something like, "Da ding fa i' da ho!  Da ding fa i' da ho!"

She quickly pieced together what had happened, and told me to reach in and get it.  With toothpaste spit hanging from my mouth, I told her, "No wa. Oo ge it!"

Glo, being the champ Markie Boy always says she is, reached right in, felt around and pulled it out.

What would you then expect her to do?  Wash her hands, right?

Glo is obviously a creature of habit, because she pumped some soap into her hands from the soap dispenser...just like she does at home.  In fact, because she had been rifling through dental garbage, she gave that soap dispenser three good pumps.

One problem:

Upon closer inspection (and after washing her hands), she discovered that wasn't any kind of soap!

At this point, I was a slobbering, laughing mess.  I don't think we could have caused more disruption to the office if we had been trying.

Oh my gosh, I love being a Kennedy.


  1. What a hilarious strong of crazy events. Let me show you how my phone gets better reception when I hold it to a wall.


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