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Leader of the Pack?

I started running as a freshman in college.  My roommate, Jane, and I would head to the gym at Mt. Holyoke College, and run a few laps each night.  We were both feeling the "freshman 15" and knew that we needed to move.  Although I was faster than Jane (she preferred speed walking), I was certainly no race horse.

Five years later, I started running for real.  I joined a gym and began lifting weights.  Lots of weights.  I was in the best shape of my adult life.  For cardio, I would hop on the treadmill and run two miles a day.  It wasn't even hard.

This is when I convinced John to start running.  Previous to this, he had told me that running was too boring for him, and he would never do it (that's right, cue laughter from anyone who knows him now). However, I was doing it, and so he started.

And we never stopped.

I can remember how good it felt to get out and just find a rhythm.  Just to lose my self in the run and to let my thoughts wander.  I slept better at night and I kept the weight off.  It wasn't something that I always wanted to do, but it was something that I needed to do.

 I ran my first half-marathon in 1997, and my first full marathon in 1998 (at the ripe old age of 28).  Again, I wasn't fast, but I could run a long time.  In fact, some of my happiest memories of living in Dayton were my nightly runs.  I had three children under the age of seven at the time, and getting out of the house was a highlight.  I love the idea of relief that I felt when I only had to run five miles on a specific night as part of my training--that was easy for me!

One of the funniest moments for me was when I ran the Air Force marathon as part of a relay team in 1999.  I was eight and a half months pregnant, and you better believe that I was hoping that running would bring that baby sooner.  I only ran the five mile leg, but you better believe I got MANY comments from the sidelines.  Unfortunately, Glo hung on for another two weeks before making her grand appearance.

I continued to run while we lived in Germany.  In fact, there were times when I was so stressed and unhappy that running was my only recourse.  I specifically remember running along the Kyll river and just praying.  Running was a balm to my soul, because I always came back home much happier.

I ran my second full marathon in 2005.  I had been on a walk with John and Spencer Hurd (a family friend) one night.  John was trying to convince Spence to run the Air Force marathon with him.  Not to be outdone (even though I had sworn that I would never do it again), I got ready to run the race in a mere three months.

I ran another half-marathon in 2007, but I hadn't really trained for it at all.  I held to the mantra that I had laid on people in the past who swore they couldn't ever run--if your life was at stake, or the life of your children, you would run.

I haven't been able to run since, although I have certainly tried.  Between the broken ankle, the back surgeries and the sinus surgeries, it's just become really difficult.  Even this past May, I took up running again and had no problem working my distance up to three miles a day after only a couple of weeks.  However, this time I strained my hip abductor muscle and was unable to run while in Michigan.

I have finally given up.  I recognize that my running days are over.  My body just isn't going to do it anymore.

And here's the rub.

Several people that I know and love have taken up running in the meantime!

What the heck?!  All those endless miles, and goals that I set....alone.  Do you know what I would have given for someone to run with me back then?

It's almost painful to see these people completing their own marathons now.  In the past, I would have just run the stupid race with them, prepared or not.  Now?  I can't do much more than make the hotel reservations and plan on driving them to and from the race.

I'm happy for them.  Happy that they have found the joy in running that I have had.  I'd like to think that I set some kind of example for them, but really I'm just trying to make myself feel better.

In the meantime, I continue to read "Runner's World, thinking that I might join that population again.  Reality hits, and I hop on the elliptical.  I have no doubt that all my runner friends will join me there in 10 or 20 years too ;-)


  1. Come down here and we'll lift weights and do yoga together!

  2. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have run that Marathon 6 months after having Cody. Long distance......blah! But I will say that I was thinking of you just this afternoon when we came down to visit and you got me to run with you at night. There was no way I could run as far as you but after we got started you talked me through 3 miles!!! More than I ever ran in my life!
    You are an inspiration! And a great running partner.

    My friends here are training for the half marathon and keep inviting me to do it next year. I do not have the vision for that. I might try a 5K....later than sooner.

    In October we are going to do the Color Run in Evansville. I hear it's very relaxed where people start off walking. I think I can do that! Do you want to do it together?


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