Halfway through our eight-day trip, John and I were laying on the bed in our tiny apartment on the Aran Islands. I was cuddled up to him with my arm around his waist, and I asked him, "John, how do be the people we are now when we get home? How do we keep the magic alive?" One of the reasons I love attending the temple regularly is because I've discovered who my "real" self is there. When I get away from the stresses of life and the temptations and fallacies of the Devil, I discover that I really like myself ;-) I'm a happy, smiley, service-oriented person. And for John and me, we had a lot of those same feelings in Ireland. The night before we hopped back on the plane to return home, we were a mess. We were so depressed about what awaited us at home--work, church callings, the animals, money issues, practicing for music gigs, John leaving for Pennsylvania just two days later. But more than that, there was a sadness about leaving the idyllic life beh...
A blog chronicling the adventures of the Kennedy Family