Missions really do never end, or at least they affect you for your entire life. In the MTC, there was a really popular talk to watch by Jeffrey R Holland (prerecorded of course, that you could watch either on Sunday or Tuesday nights) where he talked about how basically everyday of his life, he had thought of his mission in at least some small or insignificant way, and how if we really worked hard, most of us would also never have a day go by where we also didn't think of our mission and things we had learned while being missionaries. I remember at the time wondering how I would think of Russia every day, or how things that I did as a missionary would apply once I was back in regular life. Missionary life is so different, I figured, that eventually I would have a few days in a row where my mission would never really come up, or mentions of Russia would never enter my realm of thinking. Fast forward to now, and (unfortunately in most cases) there aren't many news channels tha...
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