As I go about my busy (?) life, I always know one thing is on the horizon: death. I believe it's because I was forced to go through my own father's death at a young age that I hate death with a vengeance. Like I've said before, I think it's one of those things that Heavenly Father and Jesus didn't get quite right in the plan for our mortalities. But with so many animals coming into our home over the years, it's inevitable that one of them will eventually die. Just a couple of months ago, I thought about how painful it is to go through the death of an animal, and for several nights, I thanked Heavenly Father that none of our animals appeared to be dying. I was especially relieved to have healthy animals over Christmas, because I know now that I could never have handled Hannah's breakup along with an animal death. But with an aging population of pets, I suspect our family needs to be prepared for the sadness. But that's the thing--how does one pr...
A blog chronicling the adventures of the Kennedy Family