Yesterday, I had a few minutes to chat with John. It's probably one of my favorite things to do--talk to John--because he's been my constant sounding board over the past 31 years of marriage. And something I've learned about myself of late is that I need a sounding board. Plus, talking to people keeps my emotions above board--I tend to focus on the fun and goodness in my life when talking to others. I was trying to explain to him how poorly I was feeling emotionally, and how I haven't been able to pull myself out of the hole this past week. (A shout out to myself and to what being an abused child has taught me--I am a survivor and never wallow in the pool of self-pity for very long.) He then pointed out that this hasn't exactly been the easiest week for me, and he then praised me for the champion I have been. With that in mind, I thought that maybe I should write it all down. I like looking back on "strength memories" when I'm not feeling so str...
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