Yay! It's mulberry time. I didn't know this until I went walking on the path in Dexter, and the telltale signs of a stained boardwalk signaled the season. I looked up, and sure enough, there were dark, purple berries on the "tree". The next day, John and I headed out for a walk, and I brought the colander. I would pull the branches down low enough that John could pick with two hands (since we don't currently have a ladder). It didn't take us more than 20 minutes to pick enough for a pie (along with picking the freshly fallen berries off the ground). The next day, we were supposed to take the missionaries to the temple, and I figured I would make them a pie. I have taken it on myself to expose the missionaries to all good things Michigan (having discovered that they basically live in a cocoon of missionary life and don't really get out and see anything that Michigan has to offer): Cherry Republic, MDen, Superman Ice Cream, Faygo, Vinsetta Gar...
A blog chronicling the adventures of the Kennedy Family