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Showing posts from November, 2015

Priesthood Blessings

While some of us may think of priesthood blessings as a more modern ordinance, used mostly in this dispensation of time, priesthood blessings have actually been performed since Adam and Eve were first placed on planet Earth.  While I am no scriptorian or authority on doctrines of the church, in my own mind there are two key elements to any priesthood blessings being successful.  Think about any kind of priesthood blessing:  a patriarchal blessing, a blessing of healing, a setting apart, a father's blessing.  Those two things that I mentioned before:  proper priesthood authority to give them, as well as faith.  Faith on the part of the giver of the blessing, that he will be in tune with the Spirit to know what the Lord would want to bless us with, and faith on the part of the receiver, that what will be said in the blessing will come to pass. The scriptures record many notable blessings given from the patriarch at the time, including Abraham, Isaac and J...

26 Years and Counting

Where has the time gone?  26 years of being married?  It feels like John and I are still newlyweds, figuring out this whole marriage thing. Okay, not really.  We've added too many inches around our waists to be newlyweds, and our taller-than-me children remind me that we've definitely figured out some things :-)  However, I'm thankful that our marriage still feels fresh and full of love. We take a picture every year! In fact, both John and I will agree that we love each other much more now than we did when we were first married.  There's something about having each others' backs for 26 years that lends itself to feelings of loyalty and trust that we can't get anywhere else. This year, we returned to Grand Cayman for our anniversary trip.  It sounds exotic, but really it's become a rather comfortable and easy destination for us.  We trust our most excellent dive master, Mac, we know the restaurants where we like to eat, we understand the layou...

A New Smile!

29 months, five pulled teeth, an expander, and more stupid rubber bands than we can count LATER... Glo got her braces off!  Oh my goodness, the ordeal.  However, seeing her cute smile now (and feeling thankful that she doesn't look twelve years old anymore), it was all worth it. Dr. Ray is THE kindest woman on the planet.  She was so encouraging of Glo throughout it all, and was genuinely proud of her when she finished.  I will miss seeing her! The obligatory, in-the-car-afterwards picture :-)

Our First Photoshoot

No joke, I don't want to think of (nor tell John) the amount of money I spent, getting ready to take pictures with Baby.  I seriously could hardly wait!  And thankfully, the Kennedys don't complain. There were seriously too many good ones of her in the basket. I know it isn't "real", but that smile is just too precious! And look at those tootsies! Every picture that I had seen with a nudie baby, the baby is sleeping.  Not our baby of course! :-) So, this was the main reason I wanted pictures.  Mark, at my suggestion, had knitted her a carrot cocoon, great for swaddling babies.  He made it of the softest yarn, and it is just darling.  I couldn't imagine a better picture.  Too, how great is it that she's looking right at him? Glo loves babies!  And now that she has one of her own, I have no doubt that they are going to become best buds.  I'm not sure any of my children can appreciate how alert Baby is.  ...