While some of us may think of priesthood blessings as a more modern ordinance, used mostly in this dispensation of time, priesthood blessings have actually been performed since Adam and Eve were first placed on planet Earth. While I am no scriptorian or authority on doctrines of the church, in my own mind there are two key elements to any priesthood blessings being successful. Think about any kind of priesthood blessing: a patriarchal blessing, a blessing of healing, a setting apart, a father's blessing. Those two things that I mentioned before: proper priesthood authority to give them, as well as faith. Faith on the part of the giver of the blessing, that he will be in tune with the Spirit to know what the Lord would want to bless us with, and faith on the part of the receiver, that what will be said in the blessing will come to pass. The scriptures record many notable blessings given from the patriarch at the time, including Abraham, Isaac and J...
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