Just one kid left at home? Noooooooo! I can feel our limited time with trick-or-treating....at least until Annie can hold up her own head :-) Glo owned her costume this year, going as Batgirl. She had been ignored a bit over the previous days, but she just stepped up and took care of things herself. She and John headed out on the State College appropriated Trick-or-Treat night of October 29, 2015. Two hours and ten pounds of candy later... The next day, Glo and I left for Ann Arbor to catch Mark played with the University Philharmonic for the Halloween concert. It's great fun, seeing all of the performers dressed in costume. Plus, this time I wasn't there to rescue him from having his entire life stolen, so it felt happier already. Glo went dressed up. Between surgery and a new baby born, I kind of forgot to pack any kind of costume. Lame, I know. Glo (again) was a champ, and stayed up until 2 a.m. the night before, helpin...
A blog chronicling the adventures of the Kennedy Family