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Showing posts from June, 2015

Standing My Ground

Yesterday, the Supreme Court of the United States decided that it was legal for homosexuals to marry in all fifty states.  I never actually thought that the Supreme Court would make a ruling on this; I figured it would toss the decision back to the states.  I guess I was caught off guard, thinking that we would see many more years of law suits and court decisions about the matter on the state level. Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I do not support gay marriage.  It was over twenty years ago that our church came out with "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" and stated:   The family is ordained of God.  Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan.   While our church does not believe in condemning or berating homosexuals, it stands by the divine law that marriage should be between a man and a woman.  There is no other way for spirit sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father to come to earth and...

My Bucket List: Mackinac Island

Yes, I have a bucket list.  It's a new thing.  I came to the realization that I'm probably at least halfway done with my life now, and my body certainly isn't getting any younger.  Funny how that works--I feel like, mentally, I could keep going for years and years, but when I look at how my body is already limiting me physically, I realize that I'd better get going on getting things done. I had been telling myself for years that I would visit Mackinac Island (for Michigan newbies, that's pronounced MackiNAW island).  This seemed especially obvious since I spend every summer just a couple hours away from it.  However, it just wasn't happening.  This year, though, I made it a priority. Glo and I were originally going to drive through Canada and do some research on the Kennedy family, but my heart went out to John who was already going to be away from us for upwards of seven weeks.  I just couldn't extend that time any longer.  However, a trip...

Coming Home

John, Glo and I have been eagerly anticipating this summer for one reason:  everyone is coming home!  Ethan and Rebecca will be living with us since they've graduated and have no good reason to stay in Utah, no child is serving a mission including Mark, and Hannah will have finished her freshman year at BYU.  Such an exciting time! Fast forward a couple of weeks.  Everyone is home, and boy has it been a whirlwind...and a HUGE adjustment for me.  I've never had problems with my kids coming and going, but I think The Three Musketeers (John, Glo and I) have gotten used to our routines and the quiet of the household.  Having four adult children all move in at once has taken some flexibility, something which I have not as yet mastered.  There are good AND bad things so here's a short list of some of the gems I have learned so far: Adult children do what they want, and no amount of guilt, persuasion or begging on my part will change their minds. ...

The Obsession Continues

I do believe that in my former life I was a poodle. You know all that care for their hair?  Shampooing.  Shaping.  Cutting.  There is no other explanation for the obsession I have with my hair. My desires are simple.  I want nice looking hair that is straight and pretty.  If I had this, I could spend time obsessing over other things.  Like the makeup that I don't wear. Unfortunately, I have curly hair that is white.  And I spend a lot of time trying to make it NOT look like that. Every six weeks, I visit my favorite hairdresser of all time, Jess Cower.  In fact, I need to take a picture of her, because she's a lifesaver in my mind.  I change doctors, and friends, and cars I drive.  But I don't change my hairdresser. I know more about her than I know about most people, and she knows a heck of a lot about me.  That's what happens when you have a three-hour, no distractions, conversation.  And it's crazy to think th...

Mark's 22nd Birthday, Philly Style!

For the first time in a couple of years, Mark was home to celebrate his birthday with us!  Yay for boys who serve missions, and yay for moms who survive it all!  We decided to make a day of it and go to Philadelphia. Mark's first request was to head to Campo's for cheesesteaks.  While the service is never friendly, the cheesesteaks make up for it.  They were crazy delicious. When I took this picture, I was looking for our classic "Rolling Stones" photo.  However, I managed to catch a rather unsightly restaurant sign in the picture!  There just so happens to be a frozen yogurt place across the street that is always the perfect follow-up to our cheesesteaks.  I ask you, who needs birthday cake when there is customizable Fro-Yo??  We, of course, sang "Happy Birthday" in beautiful four-part harmony...and turned a few heads of people who, quite appropriately, thought we were amazing. Glo was pretty much in Glo Heaven, spending the...