This weekend, the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra of St. Petersburg came to Ann Arbor, and I could have NOT been MORE EXCITED!!! I went to Saturday night concert, which featured Shotakovich's Fourth Symphony and Prokofiev's 3rd Piano Concerto, with Valery Gergiev conducting. It's kind of ironic that despite the 2 years I spent in St. Petersburg, I'm only NOW seeing them when they come to America, but whatever. After walking around that theater, talking with people on the street for hours and longing to be in their concert hall, God decided to send them to me(: The blessings keep raining on my head! In a way, the thing I was most excited about was to indirectly be reconnected with a culture and a people I miss SO much. Not a day goes by when I don't think of a member of the Church, or a person we talked with on the street, or some nice person in Russia that happened to make our day. My Russian classes have really helped me to feel that connection while here at school, ...
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