So, as a surprise for our family at the wedding reception, Rebecca's sister-in-law, Bradi, contacted Mark (in Russia) and asked him to send a video home of him playing horn. It will come as no surprise that as soon as Mark's frozen face appeared on the video screen at the reception, there wasn't a dry Kennedy eye. Even stoic, non-emotional Ethan couldn't hold back the tears. If that was all we had seen, we would have been happy. The video, however, was very nice, especially since Mark chose a piece entitled "Romance" which he learned when he first started playing horn. Wedding Video Before we saw the video, Mark had made excuses about his horn playing in an email and on the phone at Christmas. I didn't understand why he thought I would even care (seeing as I didn't know anything about the video). After seeing the video, I can understand that he probably wasn't too happy with his playing standard. However, his mission president's wife...
A blog chronicling the adventures of the Kennedy Family