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Showing posts from October, 2024

Glo's Graduation from BYU

Despite this post being marked in April, I'm writing it in November.  I was sitting across from Glo tonight at dinner, and she was recounting how she has such bad feelings about her college graduation.  Maybe disappointed  feelings would be a better description, and it made me realize that I hadn't written about it. Glo might suffer a bit from the disease I gave her: tending to focus on the one negative experience versus several good experiences.  No joke, I can easily recount fights John and I have had while on vacation, but I frequently forget the surrounding good moments.  And this, friends, is why it's beneficial to record our lives.  Our memories will not be perfect, but writing things down when they happen produces a far more accurate account of how things were.  So let me do the best I can in recounting how I remember the four days. Several of us were arriving at different times.  Gordon was already there from Arizona, Hannah and I traveled together, John arrived aft

A Quick Trip to Mackinac Island

 Allow me a pity party for a paragraph.  As much as John is earning buckets of money for us and for our retirement, his weekend calls have been infringing on our time together.  Like I said, it's a complete pity party, because my logical mind reminds me that I should be happy he's making so much money, but my heart feels rather lonely at times as I reminisce about trips we have taken that we don't have time to take again. I love John.  I don't need him around all the time, but I find that the best quality time with him is when he doesn't have other distractions like work, and call, and hospital credentialing. Anyway, I guess that was two paragraphs, and I don't need to take it any further than that, because I don't want the body of this blog post to be about me and my loneliness. I've been wanting to go to Mackinac Island for two years now (I can hardly even believe that it's been that long since I was there).  With Lake Michigan getting colder and t